Eliana Alexander: Actor; Ruben Arvizu: Actor; Catherine Battistone: Actor; Bob Buchholz: Actor; Peter Doyle: Actor; Richard Epcar: Actor; Robert Epstein: Actor; Alice Farinas: Actor; Jessica Gee: Actor; Anna Grinta: Actor; Tetsuya Iwanaga: Actor; Masako Katsuki: Actor; Akiyuki Shinbo: Director; Daisaku Ogawa: Writer
【商品説明】 Product DescriptionIn the near future, the sports world is dominated by Neo Wrestling. Metal Fighters challenge each other in the ring, their strength and endurance complimented by armored suits. The stakes are high as the girls of the Pretty Four face Team Sapphire. Their skills are stretched to the limit in this game, where beauty, grace, and style are just as important as strength and speed.
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Metal Fighter Miku [DVD]
Anime Works
Eliana Alexander: Actor; Ruben Arvizu: Actor; Catherine Battistone: Actor; Bob Buchholz: Actor; Peter Doyle: Actor; Richard Epcar: Actor; Robert Epstein: Actor; Alice Farinas: Actor; Jessica Gee: Actor; Anna Grinta: Actor; Tetsuya Iwanaga: Actor; Masako Katsuki: Actor; Akiyuki Shinbo: Director; Daisaku Ogawa: Writer
Product DescriptionIn the near future, the sports world is dominated by Neo Wrestling. Metal Fighters challenge each other in the ring, their strength and endurance complimented by armored suits. The stakes are high as the girls of the Pretty Four face Team Sapphire. Their skills are stretched to the limit in this game, where beauty, grace, and style are just as important as strength and speed.
(中古品)Metal Fighter Miku [DVD]/Anime Works/Eliana Alexander: Actor; Ruben Arvizu: Actor; Catherine Battistone: Actor; Bob Buchholz: Actor; Peter Doyle: Actor; Richard Epcar: Actor; Robert Epstein: Actor; Alice Farinas: Actor; Jessica Gee: Actor; Anna Grinta: Actor; Tetsuya Iwanaga: Actor; Masako Katsuki: Actor; Akiyuki Shinbo: Director; Daisaku Ogawa: Writer/Product DescriptionIn the near future, the sports world is dominated by Neo Wrestling. Metal Fighters challenge each other in the ring, their strength and endurance complimented by armored suits. The stakes are high as the girls of the Pretty Four face Team Sapphire. Their skills are stretched to the limit in this game, where beauty, grace, and style are just as important as strength and speed.