********************************************************************** 【以下は海外向けの商品説明になります】 【Product description in English】 ********************************************************************** A & D thermocouple temperature sensor (K type) AD-1217 (- 50-500 degrees Celsius) Thermoelectric thermometer (K type) option sensor -For measuring surface temperature -Pressed lightly against the surface measure the surface temperature -Temperature measuring range:-50 ~ +500 ° C (contact)
Ad-1217 specification
Measurement range (senser)
-50-+500 ° C (the temperature heat electric vs comes with K type sensor)
Exposure negotiation with surface measurement for surface
Temperature sensor
K type thermocouple
Length of sensor cable
560 mm (contractions polyurethane)
Sensor dimensions
PSI approx. 15 mm
Handle dimensions
About PSI 13xL120mm (plastic heat-resistant temperature 100 ° C)
● 表面温度測定用
● 表面に軽く押し付けて表面温度を測定
● 温度測定範囲 -50~+500℃(接点部)
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【Product description in English】
A & D thermocouple temperature sensor (K type) AD-1217 (- 50-500 degrees Celsius)
Thermoelectric thermometer (K type) option sensor
-For measuring surface temperature
-Pressed lightly against the surface measure the surface temperature
-Temperature measuring range:-50 ~ +500 ° C (contact)